Operation Round-Up is a charitable program to assist not-for-profit organizations, individuals and families who have encountered a hardship, and communities throughout the Heartland Power Cooperative service area. There are so many needs associated with all volunteer organizations; our fire departments, first responders, medical emergency units and the youth programs. 100% of all contributions received will be distributed upon recommendations by our Trust Board to the Heartland Power Board of Directors, who makes the final decision.
Operation Round-Up Application Form for Donation
Sign up for Operation Round Up Here!
Thanks to the generosity of our members, $16,000 was given back to our local communities in 2024. Since the inception of Operation Round-Up in 2003, we have donated over $427,500 together!
How does it work? Operation Round-Up rounds your normal monthly bill up to the next even dollar. Example: $62.45 would go to $63.00. The $.55 markup would go into the Operation Round-Up Trust Account. This rounding up would result in an average donation of approximately $6 per year.
What if I have more than one service? This program is on a per member basis, not on the number of bills you receive. Only one bill per member is rounded up.
Do I have to participate? No. If you choose not to participate, simply contact Heartland Power to be removed from the Operation Round-Up program. Otherwise, you are automatically a part of this program. Not participating in Operation Round-Up? Sign up for Operation Round Up Here!
What are the funds used for? This is a program used by many cooperatives to help support worth while community causes such as non-profit charitable organizations, and individual family disasters. Contributions will not be made for the following: political, religious and labor organizations, lobbying, field trips and advertising.
How does an individual or organization apply for funds? Applications will be available at each of our offices. After completion of the application, just return it to the office nearest you for processing.
Who administers the trust account? A Trust Board. This board is made up of two board members and two employees.
When did this program begin? The effective date was August 1, 2003.
Is this a tax deductible contribution? Keeping records of the many small contributions and providing receipts to all of our participants makes it very difficult to administer. Therefore, it is not treated as a tax-deductible contribution.
If I had previously opted out of the Operation Round-Up program, and now wish to participate, may I re-enroll? Yes, to re-enroll, please call Heartland Power Cooperative's at 641-584-2251 or 800.349.2832 or Sign up for Operation Round Up Online!