Plug into solar power without the hassle of installing your own array!
Heartland Power Cooperative members have the opportunity to participate in a hassle-free solar energy option through Heartland Power’s Community Solar - our very own solar array located just east of St. Ansgar, IA.
Members are able to purchase subscriptions to the energy produced by the array each month. The one-time investment covers all insurance, maintenance, and costs associated with the array for the lifespan of the project. Community solar provides members a safe, reliable and affordable way to get involved in renewable energy, PLUS the unique opportunity to protect themselves from future energy rate increases!
We’d be glad to answer your questions and help you decide if community solar may be a good option for you or your business. For more information on Heartland Power Community Solar give us a call at 641.584.2251.
See Real-Time Generation Information!

Frequently Asked Questions
To provide interested Heartland Power members a hassle-free and affordable option to purchase renewable solar energy on a voluntary basis.
The project is 852 kW which and is made up of 2,706 – 315 watt solar panels. The output of each panel, a subscription unit, is available for purchase at a prorated cost based on the estimated life of the unit. Units purchased will be limited to the usage per account. If you would like to know how many units you are eligible to purchase and the cost per unit, please call our office.
No, the community solar array is located on a 4 ½ acre section of ground along Highway 218 just east of St. Ansgar. Heartland Power is responsible for operating, maintaining, and insuring the array for the lifespan of the project.
No, as a member you are not purchasing solar panels, you are purchasing the production rights of a solar panel, or a unit, for the lifespan of the project.
Heartland Power Cooperative owns the Community Solar panels and takes care of all the behind the scenes requirements, (such as research, construction, insurance, maintenance, connection, etc.) while the membership reaps the benefits. A hassle-free option to participate in renewable solar energy!
Energy production varies from month to month and year to year based on the actual amount of sunshine. Half of the energy is expected to be produced June through August. Over the last 5 years, each unit has produced an average of 400 kilowatt hours per year.
The total energy produced by the entire solar array each month is divided by the number of units in the project. Each participating member’s bill will be reduced by the number of kWh’s their share of the overall project has produced – priced at the current Heartland Power energy rate. As the Heartland Power rate changes over time, the value of the bill credit will also change. If rates increase, the value of the credit will increase.
If your share of production exceeds your usage in any month, the excess will roll over to the next month. However, at the end of the calendar year, if there is any excess production it will be zeroed out and no credit will be given.
Yes, to be eligible you must be a Heartland Power member with an active electric account.
If you move your electric service to a different location within Heartland Power’s service territory, you can transfer the credit to your new location. If you leave the area, you may elect to transfer or assign the unit production credits to another member or Heartland Power will repurchase on prorated basis.
The project will be evaluated as the projected 20-year lifespan approaches to determine if it is still a viable project. If it is deemed a viable project and is able to operate effectively, the cooperative has the option to extend the member agreement.
Since you own the rights to the energy production of the units and not the solar units themselves, you are not eligible for state or federal renewable tax credits. However, you are getting the benefit of the tax incentives in a reduced up-front cost. To determine any other tax implications, please contact your tax preparer.
Contact your local office and request a Community Solar Member Agreement. Payment is due at the time of signing the agreement. Payment can be made by cash or personal/business check made payable to Heartland Power Cooperative.